Don't miss visiting the Swiss wing today 🧀

Visiting the Swiss wing is a must☺️

Dear SJBC members and friends, a gentle reminder to visit the annual bazar of Al-Hussein society Friday Dec4th from 11AM-5PM at Landmark Hotel. Don't miss visiting the Swiss wing 🧀

The Swiss Jordanian Business club hosted a Swiss Raclette Dinner at Trader Vic's -Regency palace on Sat Nov 28th,2015 to welcome Ambassador&Mrs.Hans-Peter Lenz the newly appointed Ambassador of Switzerland to H.K of Jordan. The event was sponsored by Arab Orient Insurance, Mr. Ahmad Armoush and his Companies (Double Tree by Hilton -Aqaba and Sun Tour travel ) ,Mr. Raed Billeh (Jordan Hearing Aids) , Mr. Imad Bukhari (The Group holding company of Cozmo ,BHS, Redors &Hamleys) , Dr.Rakan Irsheidat (Omnitrade) , Nuqoul Group , Dr.Amjad Aryan (Pharmacy 1) and Mr. Rami Abu Shakra (Abu Shakra Trading). Also a special thank you to Mr.Ahmad Armoush for contributing a generous gift of two airline tickets on the economy class with royal Jordanian Amman - Aqaba-Amman and a complementary two night stay at Double tree for our first winner. Another thanks goes out to Mr, Rami Abu Shakra for the one hundred fifty JD voucher for our secound winner, both adding great value to the event. It is with the support of our members that we are able to strive for success! with Adnan Talhouni

Swiss Chocolates at the diplomatic bazaar... Visit the Swiss wing on Saturday October 10th, 2015. Can't be missed!

The Swiss Jordanian Business club will miss HE. Ambassador Michael Winzap the Swiss Embassador to Jordan as the time comes to bid our farewells. Throughout his term in Jordan, His Excellency was outstanding in his support and contributions to the Club.
The Club would like to extend our warmest regards and wish his excellency the best of luck on his next journey.

يسر نادي اﻻعمال اﻻردني السويسري بالتعاون مع مجلس اﻻعمال العراقي دعوة رئيس ومجلس اداره وأعضاء النادي وأصدقائهم لحضور حفل غنائي للسيدة ماجده الرومي يوم الجمعة الموافق 18/9/2015 الساعه السابعه مساءا و/او حفل كاظم الساهر يوم السبت الموافق 19/9/2015 في أرض الراليات مقابل فندق الكراون بﻻزا/البحر الميت .

يسر مجلس اﻻعمال العراقي دعوة رئيس نادي اﻻعمال اﻻردني السويسري والهيئة اﻻدارية وأعضاء وأصدقاء النادي لحضور المعرض الشخصي للفنانة التشكيلية العراقية دانيه العبيدي وذلك يوم السبت الموافق 1/8/2015 الساعة 7:00 مساءا على قاعة مجلس اﻻعمال العراقي(زين)الطابق الأول.

Dear Swiss Jordanian Business Club members & friends,
The Embassy of Switzerland in Amman is glad to announce the screening of the documentary film « La Terre promise » on Wednesday April 15th,2015 at 7 pm @ Rainbow Theatre - Jabal Amman.

يسر نادي اﻻعمال اﻻردني السويسري ومنظمة قنديل الدولية ومجلس اﻻعمال العراقي في اﻻردن بدعوتكم الى الحفل الغنائي الذي يحيه نجم عرب الدول الفنان عمار الكوفي والفنان حسين السلمان وسيف غرايبة DJ يوم الجمعة الموافق27/3/2015 الساعة الثامنة مساءا. سعر البطاقة الذهبية للشخص الواحد JD100 والبطاقه الفضيه للشخص الواحد 80 دينار . يرجى تأكيد الحجز وشراء التذاكر قبل 22/3/2015 .